Language: Swedish
Population: 9 million
Currency: 1 krona=100 öre
Area: 450,000 km2 (174,000 sq. mi)
Political system: Parliamentary democracy
Linköping University, I studied in the Institute of Technology.
There are a great number of courses offered to exchange students
at the Institute of Technology. However, there was still a great
deal of adapting to cope with since the system is quite different
from what we have in Singapore. The academic year was divided
into two semesters, Autumn semester and Spring semester and there
is one week of vacation at Christmas. Each semester is divided
into two study periods: Ht1 and Ht2 for the Autumn semester and
Vt1 and Vt2 for the Spring semester. Each period lasts for 8 weeks.
Courses are scheduled in timetable modules, called “blocks”.
There are four timetable modules and to get a clash-free timetable,
the student should take only one course in each timetable module.
for examination, it took me some time to get used to it because
most of the examinations lasted for 4-5 hours and it was no surprise
to see students bringing in their own food into the examination
hall. There was even one occasion which I had to take an oral examination
which lasted for 2 hours. Throughout the campus, there are many
microwave rooms for student to cook their food. Food in the school
café was especially expensive by our standard and I do not
have the luxury of cheap hawker centre food there. As a result,
I cooked my own food at home almost everyday.
fully understand the Swedish culture, I decided to sign up for
the Intensive Beginner’s Course in Swedish for Exchange
Students. Indeed knowing some Swedish had made my stay in Sweden
more worthwhile. The beginner’s course in Swedish is 7.5
ECTS credits and it lasted for five weeks. The course is primarily
intended for exchange students with no previous knowledge of Swedish.
The aim of the course is to give students a basic knowledge of
Swedish with an emphasis on oral skills. The course includes pronunciation
exercises, oral training, basic Swedish grammar and short writing
exercises. Through this course, I also managed to make a few more